
Sustainability and regulatory concerns are driving companies to look for alternatives to traditional solvents like N-Propyl Bromide (NPB), 三氯乙烯 (吨标煤), and perchloroethylene (四氯乙烯/ PERC) for metal parts cleaning and degreasing.  Hubbard-Hall has been helping manufacturers tackle these issues with lower-impact solvents or aqueous cleaning chemistries.


  • 三氯乙烯2023年10月, EPA proposed a risk management rule to address unreasonable risk posed by trichloroethylene (吨标煤) to human health, including the final revised risk determination for 吨标煤
  • 全氯乙烯2023年6月, EPA proposed to ban most uses of 四氯乙烯 and establish a workplace chemical protection program (WCCP) for uses not prohibited to address the unreasonable risk to human health.
  • nPB:又称1-溴丙烷(1-BP), 2022年12月, EPA released a final revised risk determination for 1-BP. 最终修订后的风险判定发现1-BP, 作为一个整体, presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health under its conditions of use. 1-溴丙烷的风险评价
  • 二氯甲烷: EPA finalizes regulations under the TSCA to manage the risks associated with methylene chloride. The regulations include prohibitions on the manufacturing, 处理, and 分布 of methylene chloride for consumer uses. 另外, 大多数工业和商业用途, 包括油漆和涂层去除剂, 是被禁止的. Strict workplace protections are established through the Workplace Chemical Protection Program to ensure the safety of workers in remaining uses.
  • 完成后18个月(预计2025年底)1: Workplaces will have approximately 18 months from April 2024 to comply with the Workplace Chemical Protection Program. 在此期间, they must implement stringent workplace controls and periodically monitor their environments to ensure that workers are not exposed to harmful levels of methylene chloride.
  • 未来: EPA plans to hold webinars to educate stakeholders about the final risk management rule and will develop guides to help small businesses comply with the regulations. Opportunities for public and stakeholder engagement will be provided, including one-on-one meetings with EPA representatives and access to email alerts and public dockets for updates and information.


溶剂EPA规则状态规定的日期OSHA (PEL) ppmACGIH (TLV) ppmEPA (ECEL) ppm制定日期规则允许蒸汽脱脂?《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》附注
MEC 最后5/8/2024255024/28/2026NO; except for NASA & 联邦政府使用除联邦豁免外,禁止所有用途
吨标煤提出了10/31/2023100250.004最终裁决后270天NO; except for NASA & 联邦政府使用禁止用于大多数消费者和工业用途
* Workplace Chemical Protection Program – EPA enhanced safety protocols to including stringent exposure thresholds and control plans, 工作场所监测, 工人培训. PPE程序的执行和记录保存.




溶剂清洗 or vapor degreasing is a process in which an organic solvent is used to dissolve organic contaminants on the component.

更环保的溶剂如 改性醇 (Dowclene™ and Dualene™) can be used in a vacuum degreaser for cost savings, safety, and efficacy. This type of solvent cleaning will require capital investment, 包括购买真空脱脂机.

Tergo 精密清洗液是不可燃的吗, thermally and hydrolytically stable cleaner that can be dropped into an open top vapor degreaser with minimal changes or retrofitting.



水清洗 is a water-based process that utilizes chemical additives, 表面活性剂和漂洗去除污染物.

We offer 70+ water-based chemistries for any soil, substrate or cleaning process.  过渡到水清洗, you should consider how this will impact your process with the use of heat, 多个坦克, 干燥时间和占地面积增加.

Cleaning celebrity, Mike Valenti, joined our podcast for a 2-part series on this very topic: 第1部分 & 第2部分.



This webinar hosted by TURI (Toxic Use Reduction Institute) showcases how CD Aero was able to find annual cost savings and productivity improvements when switching from solvent to aqueous cleaning with the help of our experts.


Although chlorinated/fluorinated/brominated solvents have advantages in precision cleaning, there are other methods for removing soils from the surface of metal. Cleaning is considered a process because it is not just about the chemistry – good cleaning depends on several factors:

  • 金属型
  • 土壤类型
  • 零件几何
  • 可用的足迹
  • 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场清洁度要求
  • 吞吐量需求
  • 能源需求
  • EHS和法规
  • 废物处理
  • 成本


12月20日, 2019, the EPA finalized the designation of 20 chemical substances as “high priority for risk evaluation” under the Toxic Substance Controls Act (TSCA). 包括二氯甲烷, 全氯乙烯(四氯乙烯/ PERC), n-Propyl Bromide (NPB) – which the EPA refers to as 1-bromopropane – and Trichlorethylene (吨标煤).

今天, these chemicals are moving through the process required by TSCA to evaluate any unreasonable risks they may present to human health or the environment.  The next step is risk management of these existing chemicals in order of priority. There are several actions EPA could take to address the unreasonable risk, including regulations prohibiting or limiting the manufacture, 处理, 分布, 商业用途, 或者处理化学物质, 是适用的.


In addition, different regulating bodies have different opinions on risk mitigation. 下面是OSHA如何, ACGIH and the EPA differ in acceptable exposure limits for 吨标煤/PEC/nPB/MEC.
溶剂OSHA (PEL) ppmACGIH (TLV) ppmEPA (ECEL) ppm

Ppm -百万分之一
Tlv -阈值限制值
Ecel -现有化学品接触限值(8小时)
Stel -短期暴露极限(15分钟)

Ready to take the first step toward solvent replacement?

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